
Meet the Team – Tadhg Kearney

Meet Tadhg Kearney – The Managing Director of Abrivia Recruitment.

Each month, we interview 1 colleague with some intriguing questions to get to know them better. So let’s find out more about Tadhg! 🙂

1. If you could compare yourself with any animal, which would it be and why?
I would love to say a Lion but probably more of a Sea Lion. Mainly because I love the water and also lying around any chance I get.

2.What’s the most embarrassing moment you had in recruitment?
In my first job in recruitment, I was doing Business Development and I rang the Road Safety Authority instead of RSA Insurance and tried to get a claims job on. I ended up speaking to a woman in HR who after some confusion explained to me where I had gone wrong and thankfully pointed me in the right direction!

3.What do you like to do during your free time?
Pre-Kids I loved to play tennis, some football, go out for dinner/drinks etc. Now if I can get to watch a Man Utd game, go out for a pint with the lads or a meal with my wife I am happy.

4. If you could change places with anyone in the world for 24hrs, who would it be and why?
I don’t know if there is a single person I would like to be for a day. Maybe some unknown billionaire. I would love getting to experience a flight in 1st class to some private luxury Island resort where I could relax and not be bothered for 24hrs!

5.What did you want to be when you were 10 years old?
I was a strange kid, so it was a toss-up between playing for Man Utd or being a History Professor. I did study History for 5 years which is a lot closer than I got to playing for Man Utd.

6.If you could invite 3 celebrities (past or present) to a meal/drinks, who would you invite?
Roy Keane, Tupac Shakur and David Simon. Roy Keane being my ultimate hero, I would love to have a pint with him. I have always been a massive rap fan and Tupac would have been my first introduction into it. David Simon created the Wire which is my favourite tv show.

7.What is the worst decision you have ever made?
My father will tell you it was leaving a full-time job in the Civil Service to go back to college, I would say it was going to college straight after my leaving cert. I wasn’t mature enough, didn’t get the course I wanted so ended up doing something I had no interest in and dropping out after 2 months. However, it was the making of me as I went out and worked for a year, commuted from Laois to Dublin every day and learned what it was like to actually work.

8.If you were stuck on a deserted island, what three things would you have?
Phone, Football, Tent.

9.What is your favourite food/meal?
I am not sure if it is a traditional meal but American Bar food. Wings, Nachos, Ribs, Sliders etc and some beers is all I dream about.

10.If you could choose one song to play every time you walked into a room, what would you choose and why?
I lived in New York for some time, so Streets of New York by the Wolfe Tones is always a favourite. Georgia on My Mind by Ray Charles was our First dance at our wedding and my daughter is named after it. However, I think I will have to go with Regulate by Warren G. It’s a classic West Coast song, reminds me of my college days and was also the last song the DJ played at our wedding. Also, an honourable shout out to Oh Lovely Laois.

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