
Remote Working in Recruitment: Abrivia’s Journey and Insights

At Abrivia Recruitment, we’ve embraced remote working as a core part of our business operations. As a leading recruitment company, we’ve experienced firsthand how this shift has transformed our approach, expanded our reach, and introduced both opportunities and challenges.

In this blog, I’ll share our journey, the lessons we’ve learned, and advice for other business leaders navigating this new landscape.

Adapting to Remote Work: The Abrivia Experience

When the world shifted to remote working, Abrivia Recruitment, like many businesses, had to quickly adapt. Surprisingly, we found that productivity remained consistent, if not improved. Remote work allowed our team members to manage their work-life balance more effectively, without the stress of commuting. This flexibility has been particularly beneficial for those with children, allowing them to handle school runs and personal errands without sacrificing their professional responsibilities.

We didn’t just stop at enabling remote work; we invested in it. We provided financial assistance for home office setups to ensure that every team member had a comfortable and productive workspace. Our Office Manager even conducts annual online inspections to ensure health and safety standards are met. This level of flexibility has also enabled our team to work from different locations, including abroad, for short periods, allowing us to maintain a high level of service for our clients and candidates.

Expanding Our Recruitment Reach

One of the most significant benefits we’ve seen from remote working is the expansion of our recruitment reach. While all our staff are based in Ireland, remote working has allowed us to take on more international roles. Our mindset has shifted, and we’re now more open to recruiting for clients outside of Dublin and even beyond Ireland’s borders. This has opened up new opportunities and allowed us to bring in diverse talent for our clients, who are increasingly looking for flexibility and international experience.

The Benefits of Flexibility and Cost Savings

At Abrivia, we’ve always valued flexibility, but remote working has taken this to a new level. Our team members now have the freedom to live and work outside of Dublin, with colleagues based in Clare, Galway, Meath, Kildare, Wicklow, Waterford, and Down. We even had a team member who relocated to Italy temporarily due to their partner’s job, thanks to the flexibility that remote work offers.

Financially, the shift to remote working has been highly beneficial. We’ve made substantial savings by not maintaining a physical office, going fully paperless, and moving many of our systems online. These savings have been reinvested into the business, allowing us to develop a new website, audit and update our CRM system, and invest in new tools like video messaging.

Navigating the Challenges of Remote Work

However, remote work isn’t without its challenges. Communication and collaboration, which were once second nature in an office environment, now require more deliberate effort. Issues that would have been quickly resolved on the office floor can sometimes be overlooked, growing into more significant problems. To counter this, we’ve made a conscious effort to enhance communication, opting for calls over emails and ensuring that everyone is kept in the loop.

Maintaining our company culture has also required more intentionality. In the office, culture developed organically through daily interactions and shared experiences. Now, we’ve introduced initiatives like a book club, a film club, and regular coffee chats to keep the team connected. We also use an app that pairs team members for random chats every two weeks, ensuring that everyone stays engaged and connected across the business.

Management and Supervision in a Remote Setting

At Abrivia, we operate with a high degree of autonomy. We believe in treating our team members as grown-ups, providing them with the freedom to manage their work while expecting them to be accountable for their results. This approach works well for most of our team, but it’s not for everyone. We’re upfront about this during the hiring process to ensure there’s a good fit.

Managing a remote team has required some adjustments. My management style has evolved to focus even more on honesty, transparency, and support. We’ve also implemented a mentoring system for junior staff, providing them with additional support and guidance from colleagues who aren’t their direct supervisors. This helps ensure that everyone feels supported, even if they’re not physically in the same space.

Strengthening Technology and Security

Our transition to remote working has been supported by strong technological foundations. We’ve partnered with an excellent IT outsourcing company, and our security has, in many ways, improved. With everything securely stored in the cloud, we’re better protected against potential breaches, and we can quickly respond to any security issues.

Investing in better laptops, insurance, and technology has also been a priority. This ensures that our team has the tools they need to work effectively from home, no matter where they are located.

The Future of Remote Work at Abrivia Recruitment

As we look to the future, remote working will continue to be a core part of our operations at Abrivia. However, I do foresee the value in having an office space again, particularly for younger employees or those new to the industry who benefit from the in-person interaction and learning opportunities that an office environment provides.

On a broader scale, I believe that remote work will encourage people to live and work outside of major cities, reducing the talent drain to other sectors that offer more flexible roles. This shift will have a significant impact on the recruitment industry, broadening the scope of opportunities for both businesses and job seekers.

Advice for Other Business Leaders

For other business leaders considering or currently implementing remote working in their organisations, here are a few key pieces of advice based on our experience at Abrivia:

1. **Communicate Clearly and Honestly: ** Be transparent with your team about the realities of remote work. It’s not for everyone, and it’s important to set clear expectations from the start.

2. **Address Issues Promptly: ** Remote work requires vigilance. If someone is not meeting expectations, address it quickly to maintain productivity and morale.

3. **Invest in Technology: ** Ensure your team has the necessary tools, secure systems, and a comfortable workspace at home. This investment will pay off in the long run.

4. **Set Clear Ground Rules: ** Particularly for roles that involve frequent communication, it’s essential to set expectations around childcare and availability. Remote work is not a substitute for childcare.

5. **Keep the Team Engaged: ** Remote work can sometimes feel isolating, so it’s important to maintain a sense of community. Celebrate small wins, keep the lines of communication open, and ensure everyone feels connected to the company’s goals and culture.

6. **Be Upfront During Hiring: ** Make sure candidates understand the pros and cons of remote work and assess whether it’s a good fit for their lifestyle and career goals.

At Abrivia, remote working has offered incredible benefits, but it also requires careful management and a proactive approach to communication, culture, and support. By being honest and thoughtful in your approach, you can create a thriving remote work environment that benefits both your business and your team.

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